
Limestone reefs on the seabed create unique waves at Klitmøller. Where the waves hit the coast, an equally unique landscape begins: the North Atlantic heath in the National Park Thy

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Thy's Metropolis

Klitmøller gets its name from the watermills (møller) that once stood along the river. These mills processed the grain that was shipped to Norway along with meat, butter, wool, and cloth. From Klitmøller and other locations along the west coast, there was a significant trade with Norway from the 15th/16th century until the early 19th century. The transportation was carried out with the so-called "sandskuder," which were flat-bottomed wooden ships. They were designed to be able to come right up to the beach and be pulled onto the sand.

From Norway, it was possible to bring back timber and iron, which were scarce in Thy, but even more luxurious items were included in the sandskuder. It is said that some of the residents in Klitmøller wore beautiful garments with silk and lace. There were bearskin muffs, silk scarves, and even wigs in the latest fashion. These items were far from common in Thy at the time. The trade with the sandskuder meant that Klitmøller had a prosperous community that economically and in terms of trade surpassed the town of Thisted.


The cessation of the sandskude trade was primarily caused by a natural disaster. In November 1825, the North Sea broke through Aggertangen, making it possible to sail from the North Sea into the Limfjord. As it was more optimal to approach a port in relatively calm waters than to dock along the temperamental West Coast, the shipping quickly moved to Thisted, and trade from the west coast dwindled.

After the end of the sandskude trade, fishing became of great importance to the residents of Klitmøller. Fishing boats were pulled up on the beach east of Ørhage, and the catch was processed in the houses on the Landingspladsen. When Hanstholm Harbor was inaugurated in 1967, a significant portion of the fishing moved there. However, there are still recreational fishermen who set sail from Klitmøller. The distinctive equipment sheds at the landing site stand as a relic of coastal fishing.

"Foreningsvejen" is the beach promenade along the landing site in Klitmøller.

Surfing in Cold Hawaii

Today, it is primarily surfers who make extensive use of the beach and the landing site. Excellent wind and current conditions have earned the area the name "Cold Hawaii," attracting surfers from many countries. Klitmøller's atmosphere is thus a characteristic blend of the local and the overseas, much like in the heyday of the skude trade.

New architecture also shapes the landing site in Klitmøller, with support from Realdania, aiming to highlight the unique potential of the area for an active coastal life. The Lobster House provides facilities for surfers and biologists, while the beach promenade, known as "Foreningsvejen," offers improved accessibility for wheelchair users and strollers, connecting the coast and the town.

Surrounded by Wild Nature

Klitmøller is surrounded by National Park Thy and extensive nature. To the north, Hanstholm Wildlife Reserve stretches out. With its 3,900 hectares, it is the largest continuous heathland in Denmark. The wildlife reserve has access restrictions, but to the east of the Coastal Road, there is a year-round pedestrian right between the Coastal Road and the North Sea.

Heading east, you can follow the "Foreningsstien" into the heathland along Klitmøller Stream. If you continue a bit beyond the route, you'll reach Vandet Sø, one of the largest karst lakes in the national park.

To the south of Klitmøller lies Vangså Heath, where you can truly experience the sand drift landscape with parabolic dunes and extensive blowout areas. Many rare plants inhabit this area, such as spotted orchids and all three Danish species of insect-eating sundew.

In 2018-2020, Thisted Municipality carried out a watercourse project on Klitmøller Stream, where the stream was meandered. This provides the opportunity for sea trout to once again spawn in the stream. The "Foreningsstien" runs along the stream out of Klitmøller.