
You are always welcome to contact the National Park Secretariat if you want to know more about our projects and management, have questions, or great ideas.

Practical Information

Land Management

The state owns 75% of the land in Thy National Park, while 25% is owned by private landowners. If you have questions about land management and the use of nature in publicly owned areas, you are welcome to contact the Thy Nature Agency directly.

Naturstyrelsen Thy
Søholtvej 6
7700 Thisted

Tlf. 72 54 30 00


Find more from the Thy Nature Agency here: NST Thy

Injured Animals

If you come across an injured or distressed animal, you can contact the Animal Emergency Hotline. Call: 1812

The Animal Emergency Hotline is established by Dyrenes Beskyttelse (the Danish Animal Protection) and collaborates with organizations like Falck, wildlife care stations, animal shelters, and the police.

If you are unable to call 1812, you can also contact Dyrenes Beskyttelse directly at +45 33 28 70 00, and they will redirect your call to the Emergency Hotline.

Learn more about the Animal Emergency Hotline here: Vagtcentralen

Nationalpark Thy

Vesterhavsgade 168
Nr. Vorupør
7700 Thisted

CVR nr. 32995462
EAN 5798000860568