Bird Protection Areas

Both migrating and breeding birds need space and tranquility. Therefore, some of the natural areas in the national park have been designated as bird protection areas with limited access.

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The natural breeding areas for birds are under pressure, and in many places, they are disappearing altogether. Primarily because we humans are adept at utilizing space for our own benefit. Pollution, disturbances, and predators have also made life more challenging in areas that were once safe breeding grounds for birdlife.

In Nationalpark Thy, you can find several bird protection areas. These areas are important for the conservation of various bird species. During specific times of the year, these areas are closed to visitors to protect nesting and resting birds. Please respect the signs and enjoy observing birds from a distance.

"Adgangsforbud heler året": Year-Round Access Prohibition

Adgangsforbud 1. april - 15. juli": Access Prohibition from April 1st to July 15th