Vulnerable animals

Help us provide the best conditions for the national park's birds, animals, and their offspring.

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Nesting Birds

Like all new families, birds need peace and quiet when they have nests. If you disturb the birds, you may easily scare them away from their nests, eggs, and chicks. This can result in eggs not hatching or chicks going hungry. It can also make it easy for predators to raid the nest.

The most important breeding areas are the beaches, beach meadows, dunes, and heathland. So be cautious when you take a walk in the open landscape - and be mindful of your dog. Some birds react to disturbances from a very long distance, so watch their behavior and turn back if you're causing a disturbance.

Breeding Season: From the first spring day in February or March until mid-July.

The lapwing breeds in open landscapes with low vegetation, such as beach meadows and pastures. Unfortunately, it is declining as a breeding bird in Denmark because cultivation and overgrowth have disturbed many suitable breeding areas. Photo: Shanti Lfe.

Migratory Birds

When thousands of migratory birds, including geese and waders, visit Thy every spring and autumn, it's to fuel up for their journey north or south. For these birds, it's all about gaining as much weight as possible in the short time they are here. Every disturbance means less fat and, therefore, less vital energy, reducing their chances of survival as they continue their journey.

So, maintain a significant distance when you come across flocks of migratory birds resting in the area. They need peace.

Also, be cautious when sailing, surfing, or paddling. Approaching too closely can easily disturb and stress flocks resting on the water.

Migration period: February/March to May and August to November.

The common redshank is one of our most numerous migratory waders. Denmark is visited by several hundred thousand common redshanks on their way to their wintering grounds along the coasts of Western Europe. Photo: Shanti Lfe.


Seals often appear cute and relaxed. They are unwinding after a long day's work in the sea – just like us humans. And, just like us, they need to recharge. Therefore, always keep a good distance from seals when they are resting. If they raise their heads or flippers or move towards the water, it's a clear sign that you are too close. Just quietly and calmly withdraw. In July and August, when seals molt, frequent disturbances can be life-threatening as they are often scared into the water.

Seal pups are adorable, and their cries are heart-wrenching. The most significant danger when a pup is crying is usually us. Unintentionally, you can scare away its mother, who might even abandon the pup and head out to sea. You must maintain a significant distance from seal pups to ensure their best chance of survival.

Harbor seals, which are most common in Thy, breed from June through August.

Common seals are often seen resting on beaches and sandbanks off Agger Tange. Enjoy observing them from a distance along the road or the roof of Svaneholmhus. Photo: Henning Rose.

Red Deer

Red deer live in gender-separated herds called "ruts" most of the year. The hind herds (groups of females) can consist of up to 100 animals. During the rutting season, stags try to gather as many hinds as possible.

Seeing the large herds while they graze in the open landscape is a magnificent experience. It's in their nature to be flight animals, and they are always alert. Therefore, always maintain a safe distance and stay on roads and trails. When several individuals raise their heads and listen attentively, it's a sign that you are too close. Quietly and calmly withdraw.

The male red deer shed their antlers, also known as "stags," in the first months of the year. Even though it might be tempting, refrain from searching for shed stags. You would disturb the stags during a vulnerable period when they need to conserve energy.

The rutting period is in September/October, but it can start as early as the end of August.

During the rutting season, the otherwise shy red deer come out to display. It's a remarkable experience to see and hear them, but make sure to maintain a safe distance so it stays on the animals' terms. Photo: Susanne Worm.

Injured Animals

If you come across an injured or distressed animal, you can contact the Animal Emergency Hotline. Call: 1812

The Animal Emergency Hotline is established by Dyrenes Beskyttelse (the Danish Animal Protection) and collaborates with organizations like Falck, wildlife care stations, animal shelters, and the police.

If you are unable to call 1812, you can also contact Dyrenes Beskyttelse directly at +45 33 28 70 00, and they will redirect your call to the Emergency Hotline.

Learn more about the Animal Emergency Hotline here: Emergency Hotline