Be nature's best guest

We are many visitors in Thy National Park throughout the year. So it's important to be considerate. Here are some good tips on how we can collectively take care of nature.

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Our shared nature is our shared responsibility

The natural experiences in Thy National Park are truly special. To ensure they remain that way, it's crucial that we collectively take responsibility for taking care of nature and the surroundings.

We are all guests in nature, and with the many visitors who fortunately come to the national park, it's important that we all show consideration for the animals and plants and move with care. Remember, the smaller footprint you leave, the bigger impression you can take away.

Here are 10 pieces of advice on how you can help when you are out in nature:

  1. Preparation pays off. Plan your trip before heading out into nature. Look at a map, for example, and research what you need to be aware of in the natural area you plan to visit. Check whether you will be on private or public land.
  2. Consider the small ones. Especially in spring, when there are eggs and offspring, animals need peace and quiet. Many birds build their nests directly on the ground, fawns and leverets lie in the forest floor, and seal pups are on the beach. Keep a good distance from all of them.
  3. Leave the plants standing. The national park is home to a variety of unique and rare plants. Enjoy them in their natural habitat and leave all plants undisturbed.
  4. Respect signs. Pay attention to signs in nature and follow their instructions.
  5. Think of the next guest. It's always a good principle to leave no trace of your visit so that the people who follow you won't be able to tell you've been there. Take all trash with you, even if it's not your own, and clean up properly if you have made a fire or engaged in other activities that may cause litter.
  6. Respect enclosures and no-entry zones. In central parts of Agger Tange and Hanstholm Wildlife Reserve, there are year-round no-entry zones to give nature space and peace.
  7. Keep your dog on a leash. Dogs are welcome in nature, but they must be on a leash. Many wild animals and birds are easily frightened by dogs.
  8. Use open fires responsibly. Only light fires in designated fireplaces and extinguish the fire afterwards.
  9. Enjoy the sounds of nature and avoid noise.
  10. Smile. Greet people you meet along the way with kindness. Perhaps you'll be lucky, and they can tell you an exciting story about the specific area you are in.

Here are some more tips if you're foraging, hiking, cycling, or taking your dog on a trip in the national park: