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Eldorado for birdlife
Agger Tange is situated as far south as you can go within the national park's area. The open landscape is bordered by dikes facing the sea on one side and the fjord on the other. It's a paradise for many birds, especially in the spring when tens of thousands of waterfowl and waders migrate north to their breeding grounds, and in the autumn when they head south to their winter quarters. Agger Tange is located right on the bird migration route along the Jutland west coast and is a popular resting place. Therefore, Agger Tange is designated as an EU bird protection area.
Flocks of mallards, teal, and wigeons - and in the autumn, also pochards and tufted ducks - have their stays in the shallow lagoons. Flocks of mute swans and in winter, whooper swans and Bewick's swans, can also be found here. In both spring and autumn, pink-footed geese and barnacle geese are observed. Waders also utilize the beach meadows and the flat coasts of the lagoons. Here, you can see flocks of dunlins, sandpipers, redshanks, common ringed plovers, large and small plovers, and snipes. During the breeding season, there may not be as many birds, but there is still an opportunity to observe some of the waterfowl and waders that breed in the area, including mute swans, mallards, gadwalls, northern pintails, and coots. Breeding waders include black-tailed godwits, redshanks, lapwings, oystercatchers, common snipes, and great knots. Gulls and terns also have colonies on the sandbars.
The conservation of Agger and Harboøre spits aims to improve conditions for birds. The management, carried out by the Nature Agency, primarily involves grazing the beach meadows to prevent them from overgrowing with reeds, willows, and sea buckthorn.
From the southern tip of Agger Tange, you can often spot harbor seals. They frequent sandbanks and reefs in the Limfjord. You can also frequently see groups of seals from the ferry to Thyborøn, resting on sandbanks to the east of the ferry's route.
On the inside of the spit, towards the dunes, there are roe deer, and in the lagoons of the spit, you might be lucky to spot otters, for example, from Lange Mole Vej.
Practical Information
Access Rules: Access to the water areas of the spit and to the bird island east of the spit is prohibited year-round. Access to the low-lying meadows and wetlands is prohibited during the bird breeding season from 1/4 to 15/7.
From a number of resting areas along the ferry road and from the bird observation post on Arbejdsvejen south of Agger, you can observe the birdlife in the lagoon. From here, you can also have a golden experience in September at sunset when thousands of greylag geese fly in from the east to spend the night in the lagoon.
Dogs must always be on a leash.
You will find toilets in Svaneholmhus and at the end of Lange Mole Vej. The latter toilets are decorated with flying dunlins and terns by bird painter Carl Christian Tofte. Please note that the toilets on Lange Mole Vej may be closed in freezing weather.
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