
Lyngby is so far out in the dunes that you almost feel like you've reached the end of the world. If you continue through the town heading west, you'll arrive at the coastal cliffs and the beach

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Settlers in the Dunes

Lyngby was founded in 1864 when six families from the Agger area decided to move elsewhere. They headed north and found a place to settle on a heathland in Hvidbjerg Klit. Here, there was land to cultivate, and it was a good place to live, sheltered behind the coastal dunes, yet close enough to the sea for fishing. It's said that one of the wives exclaimed, "Now we're walking straight into heaven" when she arrived in the area.

In the following years, more families moved there. Their primary occupation was fishing. However, the conditions for landing fish in Lyngby were not ideal, so in the early 1930s, they built breakwaters to break the waves and strong currents. There were still difficulties, and the fishermen began to sail out from Thyborøn Harbor.

Tourists started coming to Lyngby as early as the interwar period. It wasn't modern conveniences that attracted people to Lyngby since electricity wasn't introduced until 1965. In the 1970s, a significant depopulation began. Today, there are only a few permanent residents, and the old houses are highly sought after as summer homes for those seeking tranquility and the great outdoors. Qualities that the area around Lyngby can still offer.

The Rescue Station

In the heart of the town stands the old rescue house. The rescue station was established in 1882. Initially, the station only had a rocket apparatus that could be used for rescue operations from the beach. However, from 1920 to 1946, the fishing village had a rescue boat. The station was closed in 1975. Both north and south of Lyngby, you can walk along the old rescue road, which was built for the rescue personnel to reach a stranding location. Today, the road is part of the hiking route Vestkyststien. The rescue house is owned by the Danish Nature Agency.

Travelers are welcome to stay overnight at the Rescue Station for a single night. There are 8 bunk beds, a tea kitchen, and a restroom under the roof.

Opposite the Rescue Station at Lyngbyvej 40, there are two small, new shelters for free use.

Lyngby Heath

Lyngby is surrounded by vast undisturbed dune heaths, and here you can often wander for hours without encountering other people. Red deer and roe deer graze among the dunes, and cranes breed in the moist low-lying areas towards the plantations in the east. Please note that for this reason, there is a ban on access east of the rescue road from April 1st to July 15th.

Lyngby Dune Heath is one of the most undisturbed areas in the national park. Photo by Christina Pedersen.

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