Thagaards Plantage

In Thagaards Plantation, old trees grow, creating a unique atmosphere. Take a walk on the marked trail and notice how especially birch trees and spruce trees have picturesque, twisted forms

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Raising forests

The plantation, named after the sand drift commissioner Lauritz Thagaard, was one of the seven experimental plantations in Thy established in 1816 for the "raising of forests." Here, experiments were conducted with sowing and planting of small trees. Species such as spruce, birch, alder, Scots pine, trembling aspen, and willow were among those used, and attempts were made to shield the plants from the harsh climate using dikes and ditches. The work was carried out as unpaid labor by farmers from virtually all of Thy.

Despite a diligent effort, the plantations had little success. The small trees were exposed to wind, desiccation, and frost, often requiring supplementation with new plants. Over the course of just over 20 years, none of the trees reached a height that exceeded the protective dikes, leading to a resolution in 1842 to discontinue the efforts as futile. The areas were abandoned, but some of the trees, nevertheless, have proved to be tenacious survivors and stand today as crooked remnants from the pioneering era of combating sand drift.

As these 200-year-old trees are vulnerable, climbing on them is not allowed.

The Supervisor's House

The sheep that grazed in the dunes posed a threat to the fledgling plants in the experimental plantation. In 1817, a supervisor was employed to address this issue. He lived in Tvorup Skovhus, a house built for this purpose. The house was situated south of Thagaards Plantation.

When the plantation was abandoned, the house was sold. It was demolished in the late 19th century, but not all building remains were removed. The site was excavated in 2005, and today, you can see foundation stones from the walls and remnants of the hearth, revealing how the house was arranged.


On the other side of Kystvejen (Coast Road), there is a red brick building. The house may not look like much today, but it had its heyday as a confectionery in the past.

In the 1890s, the supervisor of Tvorup Plantation moved into the house, which served both as a residence and a stable. Together with his wife, they were granted permission to operate an inn where holidaymakers and other travelers could get something to eat and drink. However, they were not allowed to serve alcoholic beverages, as per the license issued by the chief of police in Thisted.

Over time, a large, beautiful flower and amusement garden was added around the inn. But sometime in the 1950s, it all came to an end, and the house was sold to the painter Gunnar Funck, who found inspiration in Thy's dunes. Today, the house is owned by the Nature Agency. The ornamental garden is no longer maintained, but a rhododendron remains, and in the spring, crocuses and lily of the valley still appear.

Today, the old hostelry doesn't look like much...


...but in its heyday, there was a bustling scene at the confectionery, when excursions headed to Bøgsted Rende (around 1930). Photo from the Local History Archive, Thisted.
Here we see the innkeepers themselves, Andreas Nielsen and Karen Nielsine (1930), along with a couple of well-dressed servants (1928), ready to serve the travelers. The man on the right is the innkeepers' son, Bernhardt Nielsen. Photos from the Local History Archive, Thisted.

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