Take a bike ride

There is an extensive network of bike paths and small roads that lead through the varied landscape of the national park. From your bike, you can experience serene forests, open heaths, and charming villages

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Cycling Routes

The vast, unspoiled area of the national park is an open invitation for cycling adventures. Whether it's a cycling holiday or a shorter trip for half a day or a full day, the bicycle saddle is an excellent place to experience the landscape and get close to nature.

The West Coast Route, which is identical to National Cycling Route No. 1, runs close to the windswept North Sea. It starts at Agger Ferry Harbor and continues for over 100 kilometers to the north, passing by Bulbjerg.

The small gravel roads in the coastal forests are perfect for a romantic ride around one of the lakes, where you can cycle in the open landscape or stay cooler in the moist shade of the coniferous trees. Out on the asphalted roads, the whole family can maintain balance and keep the troops in check. Along the way, you can stop in the heathlands, where plenty of berries grow in the heather from July to September – just waiting to be picked and eaten

Cycling on the routes is at your own risk, and you should be aware of both hikers and the unforeseen obstacles that the wild landscape may present.

The areas around Flade Sø, Ørum Sø, and Vandet Sø are also excellent cycling terrains.

Remember that cycling is allowed on all trails and forest roads in the national park, but not in the forest floor or on the dunes. Avoid cycling on the Redningsvejen and use the West Coast Route instead.


There are three mountain bike trails in National Park Thy:

The blue MTB trail in Tvorup Klitplantage is a natural trail with great variation and short, steep climbs. Length: 9.56 km. Not for beginners. Start and finish at the campsite on Boligvej, about 300m north of the former forester's residence, Tvorupvej 53. You can see the route here: kort MTB Tvorup

The MTB trail in Vilsbøl Plantation is 7 km long and falls into the 'easy' category, although it includes extra loops, one of which is 1.9 km and of medium difficulty, and the other is 1 km and considered difficult. On the northern part of the route, you can enjoy a fantastic view overlooking Tuekær and Nors Lake. The trail is marked with color-coded arrows indicating direction and difficulty according to the Danish Cycling Union's standard. The trail starts and finishes at the forest playground on Klitmøllervej. You can view the route here: kort MTB Vilsbøl

The MTB trail in Vandet Klit Plantation is 9.93 km long and is considered technically demanding. It was constructed without the use of a chainsaw and, for the most part, without using existing roads and paths. This means that the trail runs in the forest floor and winds in and out among the trees. And even though Vandet Plantation may appear relatively flat from the outside, there are plenty of short ups and downs on the numerous small, densely vegetated dune hills. The trail starts and ends at the parking lot on Hjardalvej in the eastern part of Vandet Plantation. You can view the route here: kort MTB Vandet