The good spots with a came­ra and binoculars

A good pair of binoculars and some patience. Then there are good chances to see many of the special and rare animals from the observation towers in the national park

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Observation Towers

  • At Sårup in Tved Plantation, you have a view of the Hanstholm Wildlife Reserve. It is a good place to see red deer and cranes. There is a sturdy binoculars set up here that can be raised and lowered so that everyone can use it. The platform is wheelchair accessible.
  • From the bird tower on the south side of Nors Sø and from the platform at Vandet Sø, you may be lucky to spot species like tufted ducks, mute swans, and common eiders during their migration.
  • From the bird tower at the southern end of Tvorup Dune Plantation, you have a view over Ålvand Heath with many ponds where birds breed. It is also a good spot for observing cranes.
  • From the roof of Svaneholmhus on Agger Tange, there's almost a guarantee to see seals, and during the breeding season, one of the country's largest colonies of breeding common terns.
  • Just outside the national park's boundaries, you will find bird towers in Hawskoven, Hanstholm, and by Ove Sø, where you often see birds of prey. There are also two natural towers along the Hvidbjerg Å in Morup Mølle. Kingfishers often frequent these areas.
  • You can find the towers on a map on
At Sårup, a pair of binoculars are often set up, which frequently capture herds of red deer. Photo by Poul Christian Madsen.