Accessible National Park

The National Park is for everyone, but nature is not always easily accessible. Here you will find places in the park with accessible facilities

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National Park Thy is situated on sandy ground! The weather can be quite harsh, and the terrain is often wet, sandblown, and challenging. Let's face it; it's not the most accessible landscape for people with disabilities.

But in the national park, we want our nature and our offerings to be accessible to as many people as possible. That's why, where possible and where nature allows, a range of accessible facilities has been created, as you can see below.

Most forest roads are accessible to visitors using wheelchairs or walking aids for most of the year. If you have the national park's Outdoor Map, it typically includes the larger, named forest roads.

All hiking routes in the national park are marked with a difficulty level, which you can find on our app or map. For individuals with all-terrain strollers or similar equipment, it is possible to walk routes labeled as 'Easy.

Accessible facilities for people with disabilities