Camp in the open

Off with the hiking boots and into your sleeping bag. Sleeping in the open air is wonderful, and there are plenty of opportunities for that in the National Park Thy.

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Shelter Sites

The Danish Nature Agency offers a wide range of shelters in truly unique locations within the national park, available for free use. Some shelters can be reserved, while others are on a "first come, first served" basis. If a reserved shelter is not used by 8 PM, it can be used by others. And remember, whether you've made a reservation or not, it's both good etiquette and enjoyable to share the space with others.

You can find and reserve shelters at: Naturstyrelsen

At Lodbjerg, there is also an accessible shelter for people with disabilities, which can be reserved through the link above.

Thisted Municipality has four floating water shelters - one of which is located in Agger Harbor. They require booking and have a fee of 100 DKK per night. See here: Water Shelters (the page is in Danish).

Group shelters can be reserved by institutions and large groups through the Danish Nature Agency in Thy. If the shelter is not occupied by 8 PM, it can be used freely and shared. Photo: Poul Christian Madsen.

Free camping

The Danish state has 275 forests where you can pitch your tent for the night without asking for permission first. Four of them are located in National Park Thy: Hvidbjerg Dune Plantation, Stenbjerg Dune Plantation, Tvorup Dune Plantation (only west of the Coastal Road), and Nystrup and Vandet Plantations.

Everywhere, the 1-2-3 rule applies: a maximum of 1 night with 2 tents accommodating up to 3 people each. When you pitch your tent, it should not be visible to others who are in the forest, whether they are walking on trails or driving by car on roads through the forest, and it should not be visible from buildings. This means, for example, that you cannot pitch a tent on beaches or in dunes, even if it is shown on the overview map for free camping. The same applies to meadows, marshes, heaths, fields, or other clearings where there are no trees to hide the tent. It is not allowed to make fires on the forest floor, but if you have a closed storm kitchen (like a Trangia), you are allowed to use it.

Read more about the rules and opportunities at the Danish Nature Agency (Naturstyrelsen) and find free camping areas on our app.

You may pitch a tent at the national park's shelter sites or in the forests where there is free camping, as long as you follow the Danish Nature Agency's guidelines. Photo: Mette Johnsen.

Other options

You are allowed to sleep under the open sky on the beach or on the forest floor anywhere on state-owned land – for example, in a sleeping bag on a ground mat or with a blanket over you. You may also hang your hammock between two trees, as long as you are careful not to damage the trees.

If you prefer indoors, there are also many good options such as hostels, hotels, cabins, and holiday centers, all the way from Agger to Hanstholm. You can find more information about them on the Visit Nordvestkysten website (Visit Nordvestkysten). And at our communication partner, Explore Thy, which has a long list of accommodation options in the whole area of Thy: Opdag Thy

If you prefer a traditional camping site ( campingplads), you can find them in places like Stenbjerg, Vorupør, Klitmøller, and Hanstholm. For scout huts and more, check the hut directory here: hyttefortegnelsen.

At the Rescue House in Lyngby, hikers have the opportunity to spend the night under a roof in basic bunk beds. Here, you'll find water and a toilet, and a single night's stay is free.

Download the national park's app - then you have everything at your fingertips. You can find it here: App Store eller Google Play